Give Your PEO the Competitive Edge!

Become ESAC accredited
By demonstrating adherence to ESAC’s financial, ethical and operational standards, your PEO is distinguished as one of the best of the best. This gives you the winning edge in competitive sales and retention of valued clients.

ESAC’s services, tools and online search functions also help send unsolicited leads your way and give your team the tools you need to ensure prospective clients understand the substantial benefits of partnering with your accredited PEO.

Get the sales and client retention advantages of accreditation

Who doesn’t want an advantage when it comes to new sales and client retention? Your PEO’s accreditation gives you that edge.

Instant Credibility Accreditation gives you instant credibility with your clients and prospects.
Competitive Differentiation

Accreditation provides competitive differentiation to help you sell your top prospects on value rather than price.

Due Diligence Standard Business prospects and their trusted legal and financial advisors quickly accept accreditation as the standard for due diligence for a PEO relationship.
Accreditation Assurance

Business owners considering replacing in-house functions with PEO services are favorably influenced by the assurance advantages of partnering with an accredited PEO.

Referrals Lead generation and referrals from your client’s trusted advisors provide valuable new business opportunities.
Level Playing Field Accreditation levels the playing field for all PEOs regardless of size or time in business.
Increased Confidence

Clients and prospects gain confidence in your PEO’s financial reliability and compliance with important employment laws and regulations.

Tangible Financial Assurance

More than $15 million in surety bond coverage (backed by an A-rated carrier and held in Trust at a national bank) protects your clients, worksite employees, taxing authorities and insurers in the unlikely event your PEO defaults and fails to pay wages, payroll taxes, retirement plan contributions or workers' compensation / health insurance obligations.

Increase your visibility with ESAC's sales & marketing tools

As an accredited PEO, you have access to ESAC’s online portal containing a variety of tips and tools. These items, along with access to orientation and refresher sessions with ESAC staff, will help your sales and marketing team understand and learn how to consistently communicate the value of accreditation to ensure prospective clients understand the full benefits of partnering with your accredited PEO.

Check out the below summary of a few of these tools:

PEO Reliability Microsite serves as your PEO’s customizable stand-alone microsite and enables prospects and clients to learn about accreditation advantages and verifications without being exposed to your competitors' contact information. Your clients can also verify their over $15M in surety bond coverage provided as part of ESAC’s Client Assurance Program.

"Click to Verify" Logo

ESAC's "click to verify" logo is designed for use on your PEO's website and other electronic materials and is coded to link to your customized PEOReliability microsite.

"Find a PEO" Searches

Unsolicited leads from ESAC’s website can link to your website via ESAC's "Find a PEO" search functions and can contact your preferred office via your customized selections. These search pages are consistently the most visited pages on ESAC's website.

Accreditation Notifications

You can remind your clients of the advantages of doing business with an accredited PEO by electing for ESAC to send periodic customizable email confirmation of your ongoing accreditation.

Sales & Marketing Portal Tools

Online portals for both your sales and marketing teams provide marketing analytics tools and customizable settings, internal sales training tools and tips, seminar materials for presentation to trusted advisors, and customized ESAC training or refreshers on sales and marketing tools.

As an accredited PEO, you’ll value not only the competitive sales and client retention advantages but also ESAC’s simplified, cost-effective regulatory compliance services.

Contact us for the ESAC Edge

In a recent study, accreditation was described as an important factor in over 80% of accredited PEO sales. Prospects required accreditation in 15% of those sales!

Let us know if you'd like to discuss the benefits of accreditation for your PEO:

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Employer Services
Assurance Corporation

PEO Reliability starts here.
ESAC’s accreditation and financial assurance services provide confirmation of a PEO’s financial, ethical and operational reliability.
Get the ESAC Edge
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