Ashley Martinez

VP Operations

Ashley is responsible for ESAC's accreditation process for applicants and acquisitions along with assisting accredited PEOs with their surety bond needs and compliance tools training and support. She oversees the staff responsible for financial and compliance reporting and ESAC’s licensing and regulatory compliance services. Ashley has been with ESAC since 2014.

Prior to joining ESAC, Ashley worked in health care operations managing multiple functions including accreditation, regulatory compliance and licensing, Medicare, Medicaid, commercial insurance and workers’ compensation contracts, claims, and appeals, patient service, accounts receivable, and medical records.

Ashley holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Central Arkansas. She is a member of the Society for Human Resource Management and serves on NAPEO’s Annual Conference Planning and NAPEO Gives Back committees. She actively volunteers with area community theaters, has served on the Little Rock Parks and Recreation Commission and has volunteered as a local animal rescue organization caseworker.